Temperament in Homoeopathy

Temperament – (noun) :
Means a set of in – born traits that organize the child’s approach to the world.

Word meaning:

  • The word temperament is derived from Latin word- “temperare“.
  • Which means state of feeling or mind, habit like anger ,irritate , calm etc.
  • However word temperament mainly use for state of anger.

Temperament meaning in homoeopathy :

  • “It is habitual inclination of specific emotional response.”
  • It is unusual personal attitude or nature as manifested by peculiarities of feeling, Temper, and action.
  • It is person’s  nature, which is mainly affect their behavior.

Understanding :

  • Nature – nurture theory.
  • Observation and adaptation.
  • Effort to setle down stress.
  • Formation of temperament.

What is use of temeprament in Homoeopathy :

  • Understanding personality and behavior -both can be change but temperament usually remain same.
  • Understand development of psychodynamic and disease related to it.
  • Selection of medicine.
  • Repertorization.
  • Potency selection :
    • high for : nervous , choleric , sanguine.
    • low for : phlegmatic and dull person.

Types of temeprament in Homoeopathy :

  1. Melancholic temperament
  2. Sanguine temperament
  3. Phlegmatic temperament
  4. Choleric temperament
  5. Nervous temperament
  6. Lymphatic temperament
  7. Bilious temperament
  8. Hysteric temperament

Melancholic temperament in Homoeopathy

  • Fluid : black bile.
  • Sadness.
  • Introvert, unstable, and pessimistic-thinker.
  • Sad, pessimistic.
  • Depressed.
  • King maker but not the king.
  • Hard worker, idealistic people.
  • Self sacrificing people, serious.
  • Fastidious , creative, perfect.
  • disorders : insomnia, depression.
  • Medicines : ignatia, aurum met , nat mur, sepia.

Sanguine temperament in Homoeopathy

  • Fluid : blood.
  • joyfull.
  • Extroverted , stable and optimistic- talkers.
  • Plethoric , expressive,and extroverted.
  • Enthusiastic, energetic.
  • Talkative and cheerful.
  • Disorders : fever, diarrhoea, tachycardia.
  • Medicines : Lachesis, coffea, ferrum phos.

Phlegmatic temperament in Homoeopathy

  • Fluid : phlegum.
  • Calm.
  • Introverted, stable, and pessimistic, watcher.
  • Introvert, calm, quit , sluggish, non aggressive.
  • Peaceful, bold.
  • Apathetic, easy going.
  • Well balanced.
  • Passive like buffalo.
  • Disorders : rheumatism, constipation, drowsiness.
  • Medicines : calc carb, baryta carb.

Choleric temperament in Homoeopathy

  • Fluid : yellow bile.
  • Irritable.
  • Extroverted, unstable, and optimistic-doer.
  • Irritable, angry, and aggressive.
  • Extrovert.
  • Active, quarrelsome, naughty, confident, goal oriented like hoarse.
  • Disorders : cardiac disease, liver disease.
  • Medicine : nux vom , lyco , bryonia , chamomilla.

Hysterical temperament in Homoeopathy

  • Tendency to illusion.
  • Fearful.
  • Sensitive.
  • Weak mind.
  • Medicines : Moschus ,sepia, nux mos , actea racemose.

Bilious temperament in Homoeopathy

  • Similar to choleric.
  • ill humored bitter, tendency to liver disease.
  • Disontended.
  • Excess of bile.
  • Medicines : nux vomica , podo , aloes.

Lymphatic temperament in Homoeopathy

  • Sluggish at mental and physical level.
  • Slow vital function.
  • Similar to phlegmatic.
  • Medicines : baptisia , calc carb, hepar sulph, thuja.

Nervous temperament in Homoeopathy

  • Caution, fearful, apprehensive.
  • Excess of alertness, excitability.
  • Rapid pulse, anxious, introverted.
  • Bipolar mood.
  • Medicines : arc, arg nit, gels, ignatia, nux mos.

FAQs :

Can temperament be changed ?

Yes , Temperament can be change , as it is partly determine by the gene , but mainly influnced and determined by the environment.

What is difference between temperament and constitution ?

Unlike the constitution , the temperament can be changed and modified to some extend.
To know more about constitution CLICK HERE

What are temperaments according to Hippocrates ?

According tp hippocrates there are four types of temperaments namely : Sanguine, Choleric, Melancholic, Phlegmatic.
It is mainly focused on the body fluids.
The Sanguine is stands for blood (red fluid)
The Choleric is stands for bile (yellow – green fluid)
The Melancholic is stands for black bile.
The Phlegmatic is stands for phlagum (nasal discharges etc.)

What is the difference between temperament and diathesis?

Temperament is person’s specific emotional response while diathesis is specific disease response ( inclination towrds specific group of diseases)
To know more about diathesis CLICK HERE

What are the 4 types of temperament ?

These are the four main types of temperaments explained by H.A.Roberts : Nervous temperament, Bilious temperament, Sanguine temperament, Phlegmatic temperament.

What is temperament by Galen ?

Galen has discribed the first typology of temperaments in his book De temperamentis — This typology was based on the four humors.
According to Galen, there are four temperament categories (personality types) : sanguine , cholericmelancholic, and phlegmatic (being relaxed and peaceful).

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